
Plenary speakers

Kostya Novoselov, FRS NL
University of Manchester
Recent Advances in Graphene
Teresa J. Bandosz
City College of New York
Nanopores in Carbons: 
A  'magic' power of confined space enhanced by heteroatoms
CNRS CEMHTI Lab, Orléans
Metal-free nanoporous carbon photoelectrocatalysts
for energy conversion and environmental remediation
Dr. Marc Monthioux 

The existence and role of a liquid phase in CVD deposition mechanisms of pyrolytic carbons

Prof Milo Shaffer 
Imperial College London

Versatile and scalable nanocarbon chemistry, assembly, and application

Keynote speakers

The list of keynote speakers is available in pdf format here.

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 Carbon 2022 is grateful to the sponsors for their support: 


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